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Products that P&G own:
- Always feminine hygiene products
- Ariel laundry detergent
- Bounty paper towels, sold in the United States and Canada
- Charmin bathroom tissue and moist towelettes
- Crest toothpaste
- Dawn dishwashing
- Downy fabric softener and dryer sheets
- Febreze odor eliminator
- Gain laundry detergents, liquid fabric softener, dryer sheets and dish washing liquid
- Gillette razors, shaving soap, shaving cream, body wash, shampoo, deodorant and anti-perspirant
- Head & Shoulders shampoo
- Olay personal and beauty products
- Oral-B inter-dental products, such as Oral-B Glide
- Pampers & Pampers Kandoo disposable diapers and moist towelettes. The 2014 Financial Report lists Pampers as Procter & Gamble’s largest brand.
- Pantene haircare products
- SK-II beauty products
- Tide laundry detergents and products
- Vicks cough and cold products
- Wella hair care products
Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Procter_%26_Gamble_brands
Some other products by P&G:
- Art of Shaving men’s shaving products
- Christina Aguilera perfume
- Blue Stratos cologne
- Dolce & Gabbana cologne and perfume
- Dunhill cologne
- Escada perfume
- Gucci cosmetics
- Hugo Boss perfume
- Lacoste colognes
- Max Factor cosmetics
- SK-II beauty products
- Wella cosmetics
- Covergirl cosmetics
- Dawn dishwashing liquid
- Joy dishwashing liquid
Feminine hygiene
- Alldays feminine hygiene products
- Always feminine hygiene products
- Naturella feminine hygiene products
- Tampax tampons
- Whisper female hygiene product
If you want to find out more products that P&G has visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Procter_%26_Gamble_brands. They have a full list of their products and more information about the company.
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